Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Price of Being Honest

We took Pants to get his one year pictures taken a couple weeks ago (I know, I know, really late. Shut up.)

It was a very "eh" experience. The lady was pushy and odd - she talked a lot and seemed to have no sense of time. We were there for over two hours, which for a teeny man - is an eternity. Pants started in a sweater, t-shirt, jeans, socks, and dress shoes and ended up in just his jeans and t-shirt by the end of it. The people who were waiting for us to be finished acted like they wanted to kill us. We spent WAY too much money on the pictures - for a "package deal" of course. Saves money. Yeah.

The pictures turned out fantastic though, I have a cute freaking kid!

When we were getting ready to pay - we discovered the computers were down. We could not get my card to scan. The picture lady gave me the disc (with the rights to print) and asked me to come back and pay when my prints were delivered.

Well, she called and said my prints were in - and I ran right down to pick up my adorable pictures. Picture lady says "Oh my god, I am SO GLAD to see you. As soon as I let you out the doors with that disc I just knew I was never going to see you again. I am so relieved you came back. Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Then she talked my ear off for about half an hour while some poor pissed off baby and her increasingly pissed off parents waited for her to come back.

Then she gave me 50 bucks off and some extra prints! Woohoo! It pays to be honest!

Now - not to toot my own horn or anything, but I seriously, never for a moment, thought about not going back. It just was not something that I would have considered. Even if I wasn't crazy about the experience - I did get a service, she performed it, and I was going to pay for it. End of story.

As I left Sears, prints in hand, feeling really good about myself - I realized - that if I WOULD have been an asshole and just printed them off of my disc - I could have easily saved 100 bucks. Probably more. Damn. I would have hated myself every time I passed one of the pictures on my wall though. I supposed that is the price of being honest. (I'm kidding. I know it was the right thing - and I would do it again tomorrow if I had to.)

What I really want though is a really fancy new digital camera so that I don't have to pay other people to take these darn pictures. (Hey - husband. Take note. Five year anniversary this year. Just sayin. Love you.)

P.S - Its my birthday. I'm old.

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