Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Does the Why Make a Difference?

I have nothing deep or important enough to say about the terrible, disgusting act of terrorism that occurred yesterday in Boston. Many people who are much more eloquent have said it better than I ever could.

There is only one thing that I was thinking about while watching the coverage. After hearing person after person ask "why" - I have to say - I don't give a shit why. There is not a single thing that I could hear that would make me say "Oh - shoot. You are right. I totally understand now. Please, continue."

Seriously? Does it matter why? Will knowing the insane logic that that sick and twisted individual used to kill and maim over one hundred people make the fear less? Will it make the pain less? No. It wont.

You can't rationalize an irrational act. You can't talk sense with the senseless. You will not get sanity from the mind of the insane.

I want to make sure that whoever did this will not be able to ever do it again. I want to find anyone who helped him and make sure they don't try to follow in his sick footsteps. I don't really want to know his name or his story - because that is obviously what he wants. I want him to rot alone in the dark for the rest of his days. That's it. Seems simple to me.

My heart goes out to all who were affected in any way. I'm thinking of all of you.

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