Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I'm A Fatty

I started a diet today. 

It is a forever diet. It's so that I can set a positive example for my son - and to be healthy for him. And proud of myself. I supposed I should say "life-style change" but that sounds lame so I won't. 

I am the biggest I have ever been. That sucks. I couldn't believe what I stepped on the scale and it read 199. I wasn't even that big when I was pregnant. That sucks. 

I wasn't supposed to start my diet until tomorrow - but I was too scared that I was going to step on the scale and it would say 200 - and I can't ever have that happen. I can't ever weigh that much. 

So - here we go. My posts might get meaner- because I am nasty when I'm hungry. My friend Ann says that I am pretty funny when I am cranky... so hopefully my blog will improve!! 

You want to know what sucks the most out of any of this? I weigh more than my husband. ARGH!! That blows!

Alright. Lets do this. 

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