Thursday, April 25, 2013

I Try Not To Judge...

But I do. Often.

I don't think I ever judged as hard as I did in the grocery store the other day. There was a woman there with two children, they were probably 4 and around Pant's age - so about a year and a half or so.

We were in that awkward thing where you are going down the same aisles but in different it starts with a small smile and nod and by the end you are practically best buddies. Only this lady and I were NOT ending up as friends.

Her children were being kids - and towards the end of our trip her baby was getting fussy. Instead of being a normal mom who wrapped up her trip quick or getting her kid a toy so she would calm down - she starts snapping at the baby to sit down and shut up. Nice.

I skipped an aisle or so to get away from them - because it was officially awkward - and from the next aisle I hear "Sit down. SIT YOUR BUTT DOWN!" and then a baby screaming. I round the corner to their aisle just in time to see the mother snatch up the baby and tell her to shut up again. The baby smacked the mother - which I don't really blame her, I would have slapper her too - and she said to her TODDLER -

"Do it. Lay another hand on me and I will beat your ass."


It makes me wonder what she does to that poor kid at home if that is how she behaves in public. Ugh. I really wanted to march up to her and say "You treat your kid like that again and I'll beat YOUR ass." I had Pants with me though, and she was like 3 times me size. She would have killed me.

I don't understand how people 1. act like that in a public place and 2. act like that period. I don't understand what breaks in a person's brain to make them think it is ever OK to talk to a child like that. Then this woman is going to be shocked when her daughters are always in trouble in school for threatening other children. She just will not understand where they got it. Idiot.

Plus - even when Pants is working the last nerve - I look at that cute bottom lip poking out and I am done. Or he does the really cute foot stomping thing...that cracks me up.

I know I am not the best mom in the world. I think I'm the best mom for my child- but there are definitely more creative and do more in a day. Putting myself next to a woman like that though, makes me feel pretty darn good.

Welp - I got to go. I think I ruined some white chocolate raspberry bars and I need to make sure.

Yup. Ruined.

They taste rocking though. And I have enough stuff to make another batch.

This is why I'm fat.

That is a whole 'nother post.

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