Sunday, April 7, 2013

Kicking, Screaming, Yelling and More Kicking

We did it - we survived our first public tantrum.

Pants is figuring his voice out. Most of the time - this is hilarious and wonderful. He talks constantly, he tells stories and jokes, which of course we can't understand. We can tell the difference though, because he chuckles after he tells a joke. He says "please" and "puppy". 

Now other times - it is ear-splitting. He has this high pitched screech. He yells, he bosses. If he says "please" which sounds a whole lot like peas - and you do not immediately hand over whatever it is that he asked for - he screams at you. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" he will say. Then he may add another "please" in there, you know, since he has your full undivided attention now. 

He is figuring out that his voice has power. He can make us do things - give him things. Pants is like any little tyrant though, and hates being told no. I don't like it either - but you don't see me screaming in the face of the lady at Sears because she won't let me have that boysenberry Kitchen-aide Mixer for 25 bucks. To be fair - I haven't tried it. I am pretty sure I am aware of the outcome there, though, 

This means that we are starting to throw fits now. Normally this is not a big deal, at home we can ignore the fit until he calms down. 

But when we are at a birthday party...

Hooo boy. 

Rolling around in the grass, kicking, screaming, yelling, more kicking. All the other parents watching. Holy shit that is embarrassing. We finally just scooped him up - stuck him in the car - and went home about an hour early. 

I got a glimpse of the future. It's a little scary. I see lots of leaving early in my future. 

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