Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I Hate Facebook

I do. I hate it.

I hate that people think every thought that flits through their head needs to be heard. I hate that it makes everyone feel they are entitled to every little detail of your life. I hate the fake bragging notion of it. As much as I don't like all of know what I really hate?

Finding out about health crises on Facebook.

I found out today about a family member with cancer. Which is horrible and scary and I feel absolutely horrible for her. I feel for her children. I hope for a speedy and complete recovery.

But here is the thing - if I don't participate in this big outpouring of support on Facebook - I look like an asshole. My family, however, was not important enough to let us know about their struggle before the random people that you went to high school with and the co-workers you don't like.

And the thing that really grates me is this the SECOND time I have found out about cancer on Facebook.

Here is the deal - Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, shit even text messaging - lets us all be all show and no go. It is all about the APPEARANCE of a close relationship or support, without having to actually back any of that up. We know crazy details about everyone - but never have to actually interact with them.

I also have to wonder - now - at the beginning, they feel like putting this on Facebook. But what happens after a surgery doesn't go well? Or chemo makes you feel like death? Or your hair falls out? Or you just get tired and you don't want to talk about it? Now - everyone knows. And not just the people who care about you and are close to you and who you are fine with them seeing you at your worst. Nope - its everyone. So you have to worry about how you come off - when you should just be trying to heal. Then if you decide to take a step back - people are angry because they feel like they DESERVE to know what is going on with you. Because you put all that info out there.

I wish dignity and privacy were still protected. People are so quick to give it all up - and it is next to impossible to get back.

So, if you are my Facebook friend - and I get sick - and you don't find out about it. Trust me - its not about you. I won't be thinking about you at all.

Hope you understand.

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