Tuesday, July 31, 2012


That was the NBC Olympic theme song....you didn't get it?

I love, love, love, love, the summer Olympics.  I have DVR'ed every single thing and have something like 55 hours of Olympics to watch...and its only day 5!  Oh yeah bitches.

I actually would have already watched a whole lot more of it, but my husband insists that I do not erase anything so he can watch it later. And since I don't love it enough to watch it twice, I just wait for him.

The Olympics kind of make me wish that I had actually decided to not go to college, move to the east coast, get a job as a riding student, and give riding a go.  Most days I don't even think of that choice. If I had chosen that life, I would be a nomad - which I am not a fan of.  I would have next to no income. I would not have a family. And I probably would have failed. When I look around the home that we own, and look at my son's sweet face, I know that I made the right choice- even if I don't have horses in my life at this moment.

But 17 days every 4 years, I wish I was in whatever exotic location, with the American Flag on  my arm, jumping huge jumps on incredible horses for my country.  Its just so cool.

I think what I like about the Olympics is that most people can do most of the sports. Anyone can run, jump, swim, shoot a gun or bow and arrow, play basketball. Of course, the level at which these people compete is insane, and 99.9 percent of us can't come close...but its fun. Its fun to imagine yourself on that podium, listening to your anthem playing.  It makes me feel all patriotic.

Then there is gymnastics...that shit is nuts. No one can do that. Those people are freaks.  I like watching that because it doesnt seem possible. Its amazing.  Those people are beasts.

Since I have a DVR now, I am watching much more coverage than I ever have before.  I used to only watch swimming, diving, gymnastics and of course, my horses.  But I have watched all day every single day this time, and I am amazed at the sports that are included.  For example, today I watched fencing, badminton, handball, water polo, and field hockey....really? Are these all necessary? (I should say, that by "watching", for most of these sport it means "watching-five-minutes-and-realizing-its-fucking-boring-and-fast-forwarding-through-the-rest". So I have watched them all at x60 speed.) Most of these sports don't even exist on the intramural level at college, so why the hell are they at the Olympics?

After I wrote that, I realized that what I thought was interesting and what the rest of the world thought was interesting are probably not the same.  But I still think handball is fucking stupid. Water polo, too.  I stand by those. And badminton. OK, I meant my previous statement. That shit is dumb, and I can't believe that I just fast-forwarded through 10 hours of it.

I am perversely interested in weightlifting though. These tiny people are lifting my fridge over their heads. They lift almost three times their body weight.  They all have terrible acne. The announcers say things like "snatch" and "jerk". I can't look away.

I just read through this post and its lame. Sorry.  I would not even make the finals of blogging with it. Oops.

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