Tuesday, July 24, 2012


My husband is an odd duck.

He is an engineer. This means (at least to me) that he is brilliant, cerebral, and driven. It also means that he is a big fat nerd.

We lived in New Jersey for a couple years after we were first married.  Right across the river from Philadelphia. We hated it. It was neat to be able to go to New York, DC, Philly, Atlantic City at the drop of a hat. But we HATED the traffic, mean people, and expense. Anyway, the point of this tangent was to say that one time we were driving through downtown Philly - and we passed a skyscraper. TJ estimated the number of floors, height and width of windows, and then told me the square footage of glass that was used to make that building. And then he told me "fascinating" facts about glass and construction.

In college, he had to do a senior project where 4 or 5 students worked with a real company. At the end of the semester, he had the guys over in the garage for a "party." Now, in my normal, college experience - I would get off work to find loud music, people all over, a keg, and at least one sloppy guy falling all over some poor girl.

I come home to find the 5 guys who had worked on the project together sitting on the futon, with a beer, and just talking.  They were not even playing ping pong. I stopped in to say hi - and listened to jokes about math equations, professors, etc. It was immediately apparent that I could not participate in the conversation, and headed in the house. When TJ had come in to use the bathroom once, I asked him why the guys had not invited their friends. He said he had told them to - and this was all that showed up. Sad.

He believes that salt gets a bad rap. And backs it up with studies and citations.

I am a firm believer that is the reason TJ and I are together. He is much hotter than I am - so I had to get him weird. It evens us out.

One of the things that drives me bonkers - is when he decides that he hates something, he immediately goes on the attack. During the day, when I am home with the wee-Pants-one, I watch some pretty crappy T.V. Lately I have been watching Greys Anatomy from the beginning. TJ was at headquarters for something today, and popped by on the way home.

This is our conversation as he ate lunch -

TJ - "God, this show is so stupid."

Me -"OK"

TJ - "Really, really stupid."

Me - "OK"

TJ - "Who is that?"

Me-"That is the pregnant womans husband. He got in a car crash on the way to the hospital."

TJ - "Stupid."

Me- "OK"

TJ - "What are they doing?"

Me - "Having sex."

TJ - "Stupid"

He continued to question every scene while he rinsed his dish, and headed for the door. Then he stood, in the doorway, with the door wide opened, and watched the last ten minutes of the show. The whole time telling me how stupid it was. OK, babe. OK. Part of me wants to wait until he gets home tomorrow to start it, see what happens. My guess is he would watch two episodes back to back, bitching the whole time. Stupid.

Totally off-topic. You know how when you spell something too many times, it starts to look wrong? Thats how stupid is looking to me now. Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid.

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