Saturday, July 7, 2012

Am I as funny as I think I am?

I have always toyed with the idea of a blog.

Truthfully, I have always toyed with the idea of a journal.  I always loved looking all my handwriting in neat rows.  But getting the discipline to write consistently was the challenge. Plus, when I looked back on what I wrote - I sounded like a whiny little beoytch.

I am now older, wiser, infinitely more clever and cynical. Plus I am a stay at home mom - so what else do I have to be doing, ammairite? Plus, I type much quicker than I write.

I also am still deciding if I will actually use my name and such on this. See, I want to be able to bitch about people without the fear that they will read about it the next day. I think I will be much more fun that way, more uninhibited, like I am always writing after a big gulp margarita. But I don't want to be a puss about it - and I don't think that I would ever say anything that isn't honest - and I try not to be a mean person as a whole.

And its not like anyone else will ever actually read this. So its probably a moo point. You know - moo - like a cows' opinion.

I'm kidding.  I am not an idiot. I am a child of the 80's. I listened to Jessie's Girl enough to know that the term is moot point. I just watch a lot of Friends re-runs.

I am going to operate on the slightly embarrassing possibility that someone is actually reading this and I will introduce myself.  My name is Gentry. I am 27. I am married to a wonderful guy I shall call TJ. Its not a clever nickname. I just made it up now - I don't work well under pressure. We have a baby boy - who I will call Pants.  Its short for Cranky Pants.  Pants is not cranky all the time - so Pants it is.

We all live in Kansas, which we really love. It takes its seasons seriously - whatever one it is it commits.  For instance, right now its 100 goddamn degrees outside and its 10 at night. Weee. But the people are wonderful, and this is where our families live.

We have two dachshunds -  Bean and Delano. They are pretty funny - especially Delano.  He is probably the stupidest dog in the whole world - but as ignorance is bliss - he could not be happier about it.  Bean is everything a dog should be - she is fiercely loyal, stands vigil when TJ heads out of town - and lets Pants grab hunks of doxie skin. Delano hides under the bed when anything out of the ordinary happens. He doesn't deal with change well. But then - who does?

I love, love, love horses - but as i am a stay-at-home madre - recently made the heart-wrenching decision to sell my horse.  I was not able to ride enough to justify the expense, and a really good young horse was sitting and going to waste. TJ swears to me that one day we will have land and horses again. I have taped him saying this on my i-pod - so that he will not be surprised when in a few years when I want to purchase the ponies again. Or when he doesn't let me have horses - he wont be shocked when I leave his ass.  Kidding. Sort of.

Welp - I believe those are the basics.  I am going to try to stay committed to posting on a regular basis, for me. And hopefully one day someone will like to read it. Crazier things have happened.

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