Friday, May 3, 2013

Evil Nurse Lady

Pants had his 15 month check-up this morning. Which is sailed through with flying colors. The doctor confirmed what we already knew - that Pants is perfect and gifted! I'm kidding - but she said he looked great...and he only threw a medium sized fit when it was time for her to do the poking and prodding.

Then the Evil Nurse Lady walks in. She brings her nasty vaccines...three nasty vaccines. Poor Pants. I was just really happy TJ was there so that he got to do the mean holding down and I didn't have to do it. Pants screamed and cried of course - the big fat tears that break my heart. When the shots were over, TJ cuddled Pants to his chest - where Pants proceed to curse out the Evil Nurse Lady.

Not even kidding. His voice was stern and he was spitting out what I am sure was the worst language he knew. She apologized and as she opened the door to leave the room Pants got silent and glared at her. He stared her down until the door shut - then he got sad and cuddly again. It was like he was not going to let the Evil Nurse Lady know that she had hurt and scared him. He pulled his tough baby act. TJ and I had a really hard time not laughing while he was obviously so upset.

The good news is that we don't have to see Evil Nurse Lady for three months. She will return though - nasty vaccines and all.

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