Thursday, May 9, 2013

Really? Epic? Are You Sure?

Have you seen those new commercials for Quaker Oats? They are fine - they do some cute kids running around doing cute things - and then it ends with the statement: "Today is going to be epic."

This commercial bugs the shit out of me. Epic. So I googled "Quaker Oats Epic" and found that this ad campaign that Quaker Oats is doing is to "celebrate life's everyday, epic adventures."

Oxymoron, much?

Just in case you don't have a dictionary handy - here is the definition of epic:

1. of, relating to, or having the characteristic of an epic
2. a. extending beyond the usual or ordinary especially in size or scope
    b. heroic

And here are epic's epic synonyms:

gallant, glorious, grandiose, heroic, magnificent, majestic, monumental, noble, proud, regal, royal, splendid, stately.

True - I have no idea what happens at your house - but here I have done some dishes, paid bills, changed three diapers (one poopy), wiped the dogs' muddy feet, and ate Frosted Flakes. Any of that sound epic? I also plan on doing some dusting, fold laundry, figure out dinner and finish this post. Again - not epic.

I don't understand the need to make every single day seem extraordinary. It makes me feel like I am maybe missing out on something - but then I look at my friends and family and they don't have "epic" things happening every day. I don't understand why we can't just call a spade a spade. Day to day life is dull, boring, and it sucks sometimes. There are not magnificent, monumental things that happen all the time. I think we need to have realistic expectations so that we don't miss the little things. We need to take comfort in the day to day - because that is where we will spend most of our lives. The highlight of my week is Pants learning how to say "ball." And I am good with that.

If I go the gallant and heroic route of epic - I can't think of a single thing in the life that fits there. If I do the splendid and magnificent route - I have TJ and Pants. But that's about it.

Oh - and Harry Potter.

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