Tuesday, March 12, 2013

50 Dollars for a Hippo!?!?

Pants is quickly getting a baby library, which rocks. He loves books and brings me multiple books a day to sit on my lap and read. I think I may be raising a reader- hallelujah! Praise Jeebus.

We finally got enough non-board books that I needed bookends. So I cruised Pinterest and found these -Zuny Bookends - which are adorable little safari bookends. I found them on Amazon for the low, low price of 50 fucking dollars. FOR ONE! Shit, in college, I had two bookSHELVES that didn't total 50 bucks.

So if you want your books to be bookended on both ends (confused?) you have to pay 100 fucking dollars. For bookends.

To add insult to injury, I googled these little dudes to see if they are cheaper somewhere else, which they aren't. But you can get a pair for 120 bucks. So, you know - more expensive to buy two than one. What the fuck? Are these people cracked? I checked and the animals do not move, light up, sing, teach your child to read or anything else that may possibly justify spending 100 dollars on something that books lean against.

I found really cute little monkeys for 29 bucks, and I got two. So - what - 14.50 a bookend? I couldn't afford not to buy them.

(I am a sucky blogger.  My proof? I just used the word sucky. And I never write. I want to try harder. I am going to write more. I am. IamIamIamIam.)

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