Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Ahhh - Men

TJ was incredibly sweet and went grocery shopping last night for me. I made a list for him. All was good.

TJ gets home and says "I had to improvise. Your list didn't have enough specifics."

Me: "What do you mean?"

TJ: "Well, you said sliced olives."

Me: "Yeah?"

TJ: "But, you didn't say how many to get. I had to guess. I guessed three."

Me: "Oh."

I had to choke on the couple sarcastic comments about how he survived before a shopping list and how sorry I was to make him think. I appreciate his help very much - and would not want to shoot that particular gift horse.

I always wonder after a conversation like this if I am prone to flying off the handle about the amount of black olives in my pantry. I will have to watch that from now on. Hmmmm.

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