Sunday, March 24, 2013

Opportunity and Bob Marley

Pants is talking. All. The. Time.

He is a complete motormouth- and the thing that kills me more than anything is that I can only understand about 10 words! He tells me entire stories, complete with inflections, hand gestures, giggles where he told a joke - and I miss it all. I want nothing more than to know what goes on in that little head.

He will mimic sounds that we make - obviously - and sometimes he stumbles on a word.

For instance - the other day we were watching Sesame Street- and Elmo was telling us all about the word of the day "opportunity". As Elmo said opportunity over and over and over and over again, Pants sat enthralled. Pants then looks over at me and TJ and says clear as day: "Opportunity."

TJ and I squeal and clap - Pants claps - and then we spend the next 24 hours saying opportunity over and over and over and over. For nothing - apparently once Pants has mastered a word he never has to say it again. He is moved on to harder words, like onomatopoeia. Or it was a fluke. But I am pretty sure I have a genius baby.

Then, this weekend, we were visiting my parents. We were sitting in the kitchen and my dad was playing music on his computer. Pants was starting to dance and Grandpa asked Pants if he liked Bob Marley. Pants happily chirps "Bob Marley!". Cue four adults acting like idiots and trying to get him to repeat it. No luck - but we had witnesses this time - so no one can say that TJ and I made it up!

I can't wait for what he says next. I hope it is something really smart - and not McDonalds or something.

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