Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Pinterest Problem

Pants is turning one in about three weeks. I am throwing a birthday party - just a small one with the grandparents and aunts and uncles. Nothing fancy just celebrating my little man getting HUGE!

So, I decided to cruise on pinterest for a few ideas on theme, cake - whatever. What a terrible freaking idea.

The over the top parties are insane. Huge, elaborate set ups - with all kinds of crazy decorations, favors, table settings, center pieces, hand painted signs for the seating charts (SEATING CHARTS?!?!) and on and on. I was exhausted just looking at this stuff. I just wanted a cute little idea on what to draw on a square cake, maybe with a cute little banner.

Then there are the cakes...

Oh. Em. Motha. Effing. Gee.

Take this little creation I found when I searched "lego birthday"

Yup. That is an entire lego construction crew turning this cake from dirt to legos.

Or this that I found when I searched "elmo birhday"...

This is a CAKE? Are you freaking kidding me? I mean - I could not even begin to pull off the lego one - but this one...I would have to be an artist. Plus, I should have started practicing about when I conceived. 

This is the sancti-mommy crap that I can't stand. My box cake with a little picture drawn on it is going to look just pitiful next to all these crazy ladies. It's not like Pants is going to remember his one year birthday extravaganza. He is not going to look at pictures of that day, where he is surrounded by all his family - and think "Damn, mom, you really slacked off on that cake. Timmy's mom made him an Elmo that popped out of his cake. I hate you woman." With pinterest and facebook - there is this whole thing happening now where the appearance of being an ah-MAZ-zing mother is much more important than being actually amazing. And I think that 5 days it would take to make an Elmo cake, not to mention all the time practicing, could be so much better spent - oh- I don't know - playing with the baby? 

Whatever. I am going to decorate a little corner of his cake special for him to smash - hang a happy birthday banner on the wall behind him - and spend that whole day fussing over my baby. 

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