Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Yes, Sir, that smell is vomit.

Good news! I feel a lot better today. My husband took wonderful care of me, I slept about 16 hours - and I am about 70 percent back.

Terrible news- Pants has the full blown flu. He has a fever, he is vomiting, and is just a sad, sad baby.

This is the first real sickness we have had. We had an ear infection once - which we only guessed by ear touching and after the first dose of antibiotics that baby never looked back. Same with a bout of pink eye. He did get a pretty gnarly cold once - and that was about a week of a snot river with a sleepy baby.

This is different though. This is a sick kid. I don't think I have ever had anything break my heart like that little dude puking in his bowl and crying. It makes me feel helpless because he is hurting and scared and I cannot do a single thing to help him understand what is happening to him. While we were waiting on the meds to kick in he laid on the tile floor in the kitchen because he was so hot he didn't know where else to go. He was whimpering during his nap today - just this sad, teeny little noise. Ugh.

I can't say it out loud because it will cost me a dime - so I will say it here - FUCK YOU FLU! Fuck you hard - and sideways. Fuck you, you fucking fuck.

Phew. 50 cents saved.

I did notice some personal growth, however. There was nothing that would make me puke faster than someone else puking. Frat parties were the worst - when they got sloppy - I was done. I haven't felt queasy at all though. I am too busy feeling bad for the teeny dude to worry about me. Ahh- mommyhood.

Here is hoping that Pant's illness is over in about 24 hours like mine was. Fingers crossed.

(oh - and flu? Fuck you.)

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