Friday, May 31, 2013


This is the first book I have read since I starting doing reviews that I didn't care for. I'm actually a little excited - I get to rant!

I just finished Delirium by Lauren Oliver. I had not really heard much about this book - but I had heard a lot about Oliver. Her debut book Before I Fall is supposed to be incredible. But it isn't sci-fi-y at all, so I opted for her dystopian trilogy. I think I chose wrong.


This is the story of Lena. She lives in a not too distant future where the government has decided that love is a disease and needs to be eradicated. When kids are 18 they are evaluated, then matched with a partner, then they undergo a brain surgery to "cure" them from love. Then they go through life blissfully happy.

Lena can't wait for the cure - her mom had undergone the cure 3 times and it hadn't worked. She ended up killing herself instead of going through the procedure again. Lena's friend - Hana - has discovered some on-line friends who party and listen to the wrong music and hang out with the opposite sex. Lena meets Alex - who she thinks is cured - and starts to have feelings for him. She finds out that he is not cured - he is actually from the Wilds beyond the fences around the city. They fall in love - and Alex has discovered through his visiting the prison that Lena's mother may be alive.

They sneak in to see her only to find out she escaped. Lena feels betrayed by everyone and decides to run off with Alex into the Wilds. They are discovered before they can go - and Lena's cure is moved up. She manages to escape - Alex arrives on a motorcycle just in time - and Lena makes it over the fence. Alex doesn't. Lena is running through the Wilds injured. The end.

I have several issue with this book. First - the pace is SLOW! So freaking SLOW! Lena discovers she likes music. That takes up like a chapter. Lena and Hana fight. That takes 3. The end is pretty exciting - but it takes over 400 pages to get there - and when I got there - it felt forced. They are careening around on a motorcycle - driving through blockades of armed guards like they are in the Fast and the Furious or some shit. It seemed a little much.

Then - this cure happened about 60 years ago. 60 years does not seem long enough to have gotten the entire population under control and for no one to remember that love didn't kill people. I just don't buy that the entire USA is behind fences, happy, submitting to brain surgery without a care in the world. Nope.

I also got really tired of hearing about how "ordinary" Lena is. She doesn't think she is pretty. She isn't tall - she isn't that smart. She can run - but that is it. I just hate how in ALL of these YA stories - its a girl who isn't the most gorgeous - but the gorgeous perfect boy loves her anyway. I know that they do it so the 16 year old normal girl reading the story thinks "Ohemgee! This could totes be me!" but it doesn't work that way. Way to sell books, though.

Finally - and this is the worst - but I know Oliver is a beautiful writer - but holy balls - she is so wordy. Girlfriend loves a simile. Every feeling was felt as though it was the first time she had ever been mad, happy, sad, anything. I know as a teen you get mood swings - but damn.

Shit like this:

"The farmhouse and the old barn are positioned in a dip of land between two hills, a mini valley, like the buildings are sitting right in the middle of somebody's pursed lips."

Really - the building weren't just sitting in a valley? Now I have a weird image of monopoly houses sitting in my mouth.Or Lena describing being drunk as out of control or "the way my thoughts seemed to break apart like a mist in the sun." I understood at out of control - but thanks for the visual.

Then there was my favorite - when Lena and Alex are in the Wilds and he is reading poetry:

"I close my eyes and listen. The feeling I had before of being surrounded by warmth swells and crests inside of me like a wave. Poetry isn't like any writing I've ever heard before. I don't understand all of it, just bits of images, sentences that appear half-finished, all fluttering together like brightly colored ribbons in the wind."

And just a page later:

"He speaks on, words washing over me, the way that sun-light skips over the surface of water and filters into the depths below, lighting up the darkness. I keep my eyes closed. Amazingly, I can still see the stars: whole galaxies blooming from nothing - pink and purple suns, vast silver oceans, a thousand white moons."

Oh. Em. Motha. Effing. Gee.

Seriously?? She sees feels whole oceans and sees dancing ribbons AND whole galaxies from a poem? By the end of the damn book I had a headache from rolling my eyes so freaking hard at whatever feeling was slamming into Lena at the moment.

The pros for me were that it ended strong enough to hook me. I want to know what happens to Lena in the Wilds and if she ever finds her mom. I kind of hope that Alex is dead so I get away from the chick who sees stars all the time - but I know he isn't. I'm not that lucky. Bella Swan didn't die when I wanted her to, either.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Writer's Block

I didn't want my blog to feel lonely. But - I can't come up with a single clever thing to say. So here it sits.

Is it called writer's block if you aren't really a writer?

The thing that I like writing about the most is books...I am debating just turning it into a book blog. That would take away my ranting capability though. I do love a good rant.

Argh. I'm around. I'm just not funny or clever at the moment. I'll keep you posted.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Fix the Damn Roads!

I have started walking in my quest to lose weight (10 pounds down!).

I just have one small request from the city of Salina, KS-  please take care of the DAMN ROADS.

I have yet to find a route that has a sidewalk that is passable by stroller, and the asphalt doesn't rattle Pants' teeth out. I really don't want to have to load up my stroller and everything a drive somewhere else to walk. I live in a nice neighborhood - I don't see why I can't just head out of my front door.

I have really been wanting a jogging stroller for the limestone path they have here - but I think I am going to need one just to make sure that Pants doesn't get shaken baby syndrome.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Gotta Learn Somehow

We have been trying to let the teeny man feed himself is going swell.



Monday, May 20, 2013


My latest book is Divergent by Veronica Roth.


This is the book about Beatrice (Tris) Prior and begins with her "Choosing Ceremony". Tris lives sometime way in the future where society has broken down - and as a result society has broken into 5 "factions". Each faction believes one bad personality trait is the reason for all the problems in the world. They split into factions where they focus on what virtue they believe is the most important - some value honesty, some selflessness, some knowledge - and so forth.

When children hit 16 - they go through an aptitude test which tells them which faction they are most likely compatible with. They they can choose from any of the five factions - they do not have to choose which one the test told them.

Tris is from Abnegation, the faction that values selflessness. Everyone is equal, there are no mirrors, no crazy clothes, no jewelry. They all wear their hair the same way - and remind me of the Amish when they are described. Tris never really fits in there- she has a hard time fitting in there. During Tris's aptitude test- something strange happens.  Her test results are inconclusive. She is not a perfect fit for any faction. The person administering the test erases her results - manually imputing results. She tells Tris she is "Divergent" and she should never, ever tell anyone. It's dangerous. Tris does not understand this - but abides.

At the choosing ceremony - Tris chooses the faction Dauntless. The Dauntless value bravery. Tris is put through initiation, where she learns how to fight and shoot. She learns how to conquer fear - and she begins to have feelings for the mysterious instructor, Four. During training - she begins to feel like the Dauntless are more violent and barbaric than brave and others feel the same. Due to her divergent status - Tris excels at some of the tests - and ends up being first in her class. The leaders of Dauntless say that due to new tensions between factions they have to begin tracking all of their constituents. They are implanted with tracking chips - which end up being some sort of mind control chip.

One of the other factions - Erudite - has teamed up with Dauntless to overthrow Abnegation- who run the government. The reason being divergent is dangerous is because the mind control does not work. Tris and her now boyfriend - another former Abnegation - are shocked as those around them begin killing. There is a lot of action at the end - which I will not spoil - and basically - the ones who survive Abnegation and Dauntless are now refugees who are in danger...dum dum dummmmmm.

This was a fun read. I have been reading a lot of YA dystopian fantasy lately. I enjoyed this more than my latest reads - like Uglies, The Lost Hero and the book I am working on now, Delirium. This felt more like The Hunger Games to me. It's dark, it's exciting. I feel like if you are going to write a dystopian novel - you should just go for it. Roth does. She makes bold choices- including an attempted murder/sexual assault. Boom.

I also was very pleased reading about the beginning of the relationship between Four (Tobias) and Tris. It took me back to when I was younger - and the confusion, the electricity - the does he or doesn't he? There were even a couple scenes that were bordering on hot - straddling Four in a train with doors open and hands all over. Whoo! I had to remind myself that I was reading about teenagers, and then I felt a little dirty.

The only problem I really had with this book isn't even the books fault. I have been reading so much of this genre lately that they are all starting to sound alike. There is always a ceremony around the 16th birthday, then there is personal angst and standing up against the man, then there is a love interest, then it ends with a huge looming problem.  Divergent does it REALLY well - one of the best I have read so far - but its still familiar.

I don't really care though - I will still read Insurgent before I read any of the other sequels.


Thursday, May 16, 2013

I Would Like You To Meet The Newest Member of Our Family

I have a new baby - would you like to see her?

Gorgeous right? Here is her face....

Faces don't get much better than that. She isn't just pretty - she is helpful too - look what she does to chicken!

Shreds it right up! Then there is my first batch of muffins I have ever made - 

They tasted at least as good as they looked. She rocks. 

We haven't settled on a name yet, everyone I come up with just doesn't seem fitting. I'll let you know when we settle on one. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Subtlety is Not Her Strong Point

I'm an atheist. I don't believe in a higher power or of life after death.

What I DO believe in is the inherent good in people. I believe that you get back what you put out - and my goal in life is to make my little corner of this world a little better than when I left it. I believe in kindness, wit, intelligence and that I have the cutest baby in the world. I try very hard to be a good person. Which is enough for most people in my life - except my mother in law. Christine.

Christine has said that she doesn't care that we aren't Catholic (even though that would be the best), but she does think that we need to go to church. Any church. There are lots of prayers thrown in my direction.

I would like to say that I am not one of those angry atheists who hates religion. I don't - I understand the place that faith can have in peoples lives. I understand that it gives direction, helps with the fear of death and the unknown, and helps those who are going through difficult times have something to hold on to. I would never, EVER begrudge the right of anyone to believe what they want. I just ask that the same respect is shown to me.

Anyway - apparently all the "subtle" hints - you know like flat out saying she thinks we need to go to church more - aren't working (duh!). So she has decided to ramp up her attempts.

This was the gift I received for Mother's Day:


While I don't have an issue with someone being a person of religion - I do have a take serious umbrage with it being shoved down my throat. Here are some of my favorite passages from this little treat...

"I stared at my newborn son, dear God, and watched him eagerly nursing. I delighted in that tiny bundle of love, and it brought great joy to see him grow - to know I'd had a part in that miracle. Father, let me desire Your Word just as my son delighted in that milk. Let it nourish and sustain me and bring continued growth."

Um - Ew. I don't know why that parallel had to be drawn - because I'm pretty sure those two ideas have nothing to do with each other. Thinking of a grown woman sucking on a big of teat of God doesn't make me want to run out there and join on in. I do understand the delighting in knowledge thing, I love books and all that, but I am not sure what nursing has to do with it. Ew. 

"Showing hospitality is a part of Your perfect will, but it isn't easy. It's not that I don't want people here. It's just that sometimes I fall behind in my domestic duties, and I'd be embarrassed for anyone to come. Please give me the organizational skills I need to care for my family, clean up after them, and still have a home I am willing to share with others."

First - the feminist me gets all "Oh, hellz no" when we act like its a woman's duty to be the housemaid. I am a stay-at-home-mom - so it's really my job -so I should probably just breeze right on past that. Consider it breezed. What I find is really funny is that the answer isn't just "Get off your ass and do the dishes." It's PRAY and then god will MAKE you get off your ass and do the dishes. So he just a middle man? And whatever happened to free will? 

Plus, sometimes I just don't want people over to my house. It's that simple. 

"I try doctors and medication. I try whatever this article or that relative suggests, but real healing comes only when I turn my condition over to You. You just want me to pray. When I pray for my child who is out late, I don't worry. When I pray that my family will escape the virus, I dole out the best immunity. When I release my problems to You, You answer prayers."

This one actually really pisses me off. So - what - a woman who doesn't believe on god who has something terrible happen to her kid could have prevented it if she prayed? Or what if she is devout and prays and prays and prays and the kid doesn't make it anyway? Did she not pray hard enough. It places the guilt on the people instead of whatever is actually going on. Kid sick? - hate the disease. Teen out late? - get the teen in trouble. I hate that in religion - every thing good that happens is given to god - but all the bad things are us.

"Are my affections improper, dear Jesus? Am I too committed to the things of this world - my job, my children, my hobbies? Oh, I know these things have their proper place, but they should come after my love for You. Please make them clear to me and help me to eliminate them, for I want Your love in me."

Did I read that right? Eliminate the children? 

Alright - one more - 

"We've been praying hard for one of our friends to receive You, Lord. We share the Gospel with her, and week after week the children invite her to church. She's just so afraid of what she'll have to give up if she accepts You. Oh Lord, help her to see what she will gain if she does allow You to live within her. Open her eyes so that she'll understand that living with You truly is life."

If I had :"friends" who were always shoving the gospel down my throat and had their children badger me about church week after week - we would not be friends anymore. 

Did you hear that Christine? 

Back off. 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

To all of you!

My husband is currently asleep with his hand down his pants - so happy mother's day to me. 

I'm kidding - I have actually had a wonderful day - I got sleep in, I got flowers and chocolate and some hand drawn pictures done by Pants. I then got to take a long bath and TJ is making me some steak, corn on the cob - and I'm making Twice Baked Potatoes this evening for dinner. I don't have to wipe poop, do a dish, or prepare a meal. Rock on! 

Hope all the moms out there have whatever their version of their perfect Mother's Day is! 

Friday, May 10, 2013

The Well Of Ascension

Er. Mah. Gerd.

Beware - I'm about to go all dorky fan-girl on your asses.

I just finished The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson. Every book that I read by him I like more and more.


This is the sequel to Mistborn. Kelsier's friends have successfully overthrown the Lord Ruler - and they are not trying to rebuild a free and equal society without him. Elend Venture is the King, his lover -and the most powerful mistborn alive - Vin - and their crew.

Their little utopia of Luthadel is about to be attacked, while not one but THREE armies march to their doorstep.  Straff, Cett, and Jastes all want to take over Luthadel, enslave the skaa again, and have all the riches that they are sure are there. What they don't know is that Luthadel is broke. The citizens are starving inside of it, and there is no atium. Elend and his crew decide to bluff, playing the waiting armies against each other to buy time and try to figure out a way out of the stand-off.

Time runs out with Elend is ousted from the thrown - the democracy that he had set up turning against him. The mists are starting to act violently, and the wanna-be kings are sending assassins almost as fast as Vin can kill them. Sazed, the Terrisman who has abandoned his people to help the crew, discovered a document that tells of the first coming of the Hero of the Ages.  Sazed begins to believe that since they over-threw the Lord Ruler, whatever power he was using over the mists has gone away. He thinks that Vin may be the new hero. Vin has been coming to that conclusion on her own.

Vin manages to figure out where the Well of Ascension is - and goes to do as the prophecy foretells. She must take the power and then release it. On the way to the well Elend is injured and is dying. Sazed discovered a missing passage that makes him realize that if Vin succeeds in setting the power of the Well of Ascension free - the Deepness will be set free - not defeated. He tries to reach her in time - but he is too late. Vin sets free the power in spite of Elend's injury, and realizes at once what she has done. She finds the elusive 13th metal - gives it to Elend - and he becomes a mistborn - and is able to heal himself with pewter.

The book ends with Sazed feeling broken and betrayed, and Vin and Elend terrified of what they have set free on the world.

I can't WAIT for the next book.

When I think back about the 600 pages I read - I realize that not much actually happened. It is mostly just a waiting game - with a few mistborn fights thrown in there. The only real action is in the last 80 pages...but I was still riveted. It is a lot of theological and political discussions and posturing - but it is still fascinating.

The first couple books that I read by Sanderson, I really liked, but I could tell that he was just getting started. His characters were either all good or all bad. His magic systems are ah-MAY-zing - and he is obviously endlessly creative - but he didn't have as easy of a time making the people as he did making the story.

The Well of Ascension is his third book - and I really feel like he has hit his stride. He manages to make his characters real and flawed. I just wanted to scream at and shake Elend and Vin until the freaking TALKED to each other. It was frustrating and perfect.

I didn't understand Zane. He was interesting, crazy, damaged and thought that God spoke to him. Then he just died. I was confused and didn't think that he was utilized to his full potential. I know the whole point of him was to make Vin have her epiphany that she did actually want Elend and that life and then to defend that choice...but still. I didn't understand who God was and why it told him he wasn't crazy as he was dying...I felt his story was a little under-done. Same with Straff - Sanderson went through all this trouble to find out that Zane's lover had been getting him hooked to this drug, and he managed to save himself and was dealing with the effects of this weed on his body - and then - boom....he is dead. It seemed like a lot of work to just end. I felt like Sanderson had a few ideas of what could happen with certain people - and he chose later in the book. The endings didn't necessarily match up with the rest of it for me.

My complaints are nothing compared to my compliments. I love the magic - I love that there are still things that we don't understand and we get to learn it with the characters. I adore Sazed. Actually - I am a big fan of the whole Terris society. I love getting to know all of the characters deeper. It is smart, its funny, its deep - its fantastic.

Here is the fan-girl in me. I don't think there is much that Sanderson does wrong. He is young and seeming brilliant. In this series he just continues to build on the magic and the characters - taking us deeper and deeper into their world.  I love the theological aspects of his book - I love that he is a Mormon but writes from an atheist/agnostic point of view. His personal beliefs don't creep in at all. He is SO YOUNG and already has an incredible amount of work to his name - his books are all amazingly different - and then he was chosen to finish Robert Jordan's epic series- Wheel of Time. I haven't read what he did there yet- I am still pretty early in that series- but still - he was like 30 when he was chosen.

I have read other reviews of some of his books - where people are not huge fans. They make valid points and with most authors I would probably agree. However, when I get attached to a writer- I tend to love everything they do and defend them to the end. Like J.K Rowling. I don't care at all that her newest book is supposed to be boring as hell. She gave me Harry Potter- so I love her! Sanderson is about to be added to my little club.  When I read a poor review of his on-line I immediately get indignant. That is how I know I love him. I also checked out his web-site. I never do that.

I'm such a nerd.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Really? Epic? Are You Sure?

Have you seen those new commercials for Quaker Oats? They are fine - they do some cute kids running around doing cute things - and then it ends with the statement: "Today is going to be epic."

This commercial bugs the shit out of me. Epic. So I googled "Quaker Oats Epic" and found that this ad campaign that Quaker Oats is doing is to "celebrate life's everyday, epic adventures."

Oxymoron, much?

Just in case you don't have a dictionary handy - here is the definition of epic:

1. of, relating to, or having the characteristic of an epic
2. a. extending beyond the usual or ordinary especially in size or scope
    b. heroic

And here are epic's epic synonyms:

gallant, glorious, grandiose, heroic, magnificent, majestic, monumental, noble, proud, regal, royal, splendid, stately.

True - I have no idea what happens at your house - but here I have done some dishes, paid bills, changed three diapers (one poopy), wiped the dogs' muddy feet, and ate Frosted Flakes. Any of that sound epic? I also plan on doing some dusting, fold laundry, figure out dinner and finish this post. Again - not epic.

I don't understand the need to make every single day seem extraordinary. It makes me feel like I am maybe missing out on something - but then I look at my friends and family and they don't have "epic" things happening every day. I don't understand why we can't just call a spade a spade. Day to day life is dull, boring, and it sucks sometimes. There are not magnificent, monumental things that happen all the time. I think we need to have realistic expectations so that we don't miss the little things. We need to take comfort in the day to day - because that is where we will spend most of our lives. The highlight of my week is Pants learning how to say "ball." And I am good with that.

If I go the gallant and heroic route of epic - I can't think of a single thing in the life that fits there. If I do the splendid and magnificent route - I have TJ and Pants. But that's about it.

Oh - and Harry Potter.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Gunky Eyelashes

We seriously can't catch a break.

The library has a baby story time twice a week. Pants loves it. Babies crawling everywhere, a fun yellow duck puppet, and other moms to talk to.

We have not gone since January. First we were sick. Then we picked back up a morning nap. Now we finally are napping later again and the last two weeks he has had a snotty nose and today a gunky eye. Its not majorly gunky - it was kinda gross when we woke up - but after I wiped it up, it just looks a little red.

He probably picked it up at the damn library anyway. We were there last night playing.

I can't decide. Go or not go. Go or not go?

It doesn't look that bad...I think we are going to go.

(Dodges all the pitchforks being thrown at me.)

We are off to see yellow duck.

Monday, May 6, 2013

This is Awkward...But I Don't Babysit.

We have a couple friends that we have made through TJ's work. I really like them, they are fun and I have had a really good time whenever we have spent time together. They have young children also, so its nice that we are in the same "phase" of life. The wife, Tina, works while I stay home, so I don't get to spend as much time with her as I would like.

We have struck up a deal where we will watch their kids for them when they have plans, and they will watch Pants when we have plans. It works out wonderful - the kids have playmates and we don't have to pay baby-sitters. It is a neat little arrangement...

Until last week. TJ came home from work and said that Tina and Josh's daycare was going to be closed for a couple days this week and asked if I would be interested in watching their kids for a couple days.

"Nope." I didn't even pause to think.

"Seriously?" TJ asked "It is like two days, they would pay you, and Pants would have friends to play with."

"Yeah. No."

"Well - what am I supposed to tell them??"

"Say you are sorry, but I am not interested."

I'm not. Here's the thing - and it makes me a bad person- I realize this - but I don't really care for kids. Other than mine. I adore mine - like can't get enough of him. Other people's kids though - I am just uncomfortable. I don't dislike them or anything, but I am just awkward. I don't know how to talk to them. I feel weird if I am in a position to have to discipline. The thought of being in charge of multiple meals, naps, and 7-8 hours of just me and two kids who are not mine just scares the hell out of me.

I told TJ this - and he looked at me like I had three heads. "What about Rhea's kids?" Rhea is TJ's sister. Nope- not even them. I spend lots and lots of time with them - and I love them - but I have no desire to spend an extended period of time alone with them. I have a friend - Marie - whose daughters I really do like - so TJ asked "Marie?". Still no. He was just shocked. 

I'm not even sure how to put it into words. I had to be talked into having kids. Now, of course, I can't imagine my life without him - and would love one more. Adoring my kid, however, doesn't change how I feel about the other children in the world. I would like to be on a polite - but once removed - relationship with them. I am seriously terrified at the thought of Pants being 6 or 7 and wanting to bring friends home from school. I should become a hoarder or something so Pants won't want to bring friends home at all. Yeah- that could work. Or a nudist. Whatever. I have a little time to figure that out.

I can only hope that by the time I have a 6 year old - I will be more comfortable around 6 year olds. I am guessing that is one of things about being a mom I am just going have to suck it up and do it. I will not cross that bridge, though, until I absolutely have to.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

A Clash of Kings

Phew. Finally finished A Clash of Kings by George R.R. Martin. It took me 11 days to read this book, which for me is a long freaking time.

As much as I really enjoy these books, and I do, I have a hard time just sitting down and enjoying a book like this. Its dry, its heavy, it has about 5 million things and people running around to keep straight. Not to mention the banners - ugh- the banners. How I am supposed to keep track of all of the colors and ensigns without a freaking chart is beyond me. I feels my eyes cross during the descriptions of who is where and against who.

I am not even going to try to give a synopsis of this book. Its huge, and there is so much going on that it would take forever. Suffice it to say that the Seven Kingdoms are in shambles, four men have claimed the crown - and the rest is basically a big game of Risk with everyone jockeying for men and position and trying to claim what they think is theirs. Oh - and Daenerys has the three dragons over the ocean and is trying to plot her own little way back over to the seven kingdoms to avenge the "theft" of the crown from her family.

I really like the books. I love the sweeping worlds, the history, the long lineages, and just the depth and completeness of the world. Plus, its long enough that you can get lost in the world for a while. I am also very intrigued by the supernatural and magic that is slowly coming to the forefront. Martin did this just brilliantly, slowly letting us discover it as the individuals around the Seven Kingdoms do. I can't wait to see how it ratchets up in the next book.

I love epic fantasies- I enjoy having characters and stories that I REALLY get to know. I have a hard time with stand alone novels for that reason. I just don't feel like I get enough time with the people in those books. The flip side there is that I go through some serious mourning when a series is over. But I figure its better to have loved and lost, right?

My only foibles here are how dry it is and the teeny mundane details.

Oh - and how much I hate the Lannisters - especially Cersei and Joffrey. I wish miserably slow and painful deaths on them.

Here is my theory on authors like Tolkien and Martin. They are just brilliant, they come up with this whole world and this whole story. They know their worlds down to the smallest creature, the farthest tree- the most insignificant village person - and they get so excited to share that whole world, and make sure that nothing gets left out - that they just lay it all on you. And it gets heavy. Its hard to breathe under the weight of it all - and even though you like it - you can't stay there for too long. Then there are authors like Robert Jordan, Brandon Sanderson, Neil Gaiman, and Rick Riordan - who have the worlds - but give you the info as you need it. I prefer the second method. I understand and can appreciate the first but I have more fun reading the second. I need breaks after a Martin book. I could read Sanderson forever.

I just need a little rest - and I will ready for A Storm of Swords. Bring it on.

Winter is coming.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Evil Nurse Lady

Pants had his 15 month check-up this morning. Which is sailed through with flying colors. The doctor confirmed what we already knew - that Pants is perfect and gifted! I'm kidding - but she said he looked great...and he only threw a medium sized fit when it was time for her to do the poking and prodding.

Then the Evil Nurse Lady walks in. She brings her nasty vaccines...three nasty vaccines. Poor Pants. I was just really happy TJ was there so that he got to do the mean holding down and I didn't have to do it. Pants screamed and cried of course - the big fat tears that break my heart. When the shots were over, TJ cuddled Pants to his chest - where Pants proceed to curse out the Evil Nurse Lady.

Not even kidding. His voice was stern and he was spitting out what I am sure was the worst language he knew. She apologized and as she opened the door to leave the room Pants got silent and glared at her. He stared her down until the door shut - then he got sad and cuddly again. It was like he was not going to let the Evil Nurse Lady know that she had hurt and scared him. He pulled his tough baby act. TJ and I had a really hard time not laughing while he was obviously so upset.

The good news is that we don't have to see Evil Nurse Lady for three months. She will return though - nasty vaccines and all.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I Hate Facebook

I do. I hate it.

I hate that people think every thought that flits through their head needs to be heard. I hate that it makes everyone feel they are entitled to every little detail of your life. I hate the fake bragging notion of it. As much as I don't like all of know what I really hate?

Finding out about health crises on Facebook.

I found out today about a family member with cancer. Which is horrible and scary and I feel absolutely horrible for her. I feel for her children. I hope for a speedy and complete recovery.

But here is the thing - if I don't participate in this big outpouring of support on Facebook - I look like an asshole. My family, however, was not important enough to let us know about their struggle before the random people that you went to high school with and the co-workers you don't like.

And the thing that really grates me is this the SECOND time I have found out about cancer on Facebook.

Here is the deal - Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, shit even text messaging - lets us all be all show and no go. It is all about the APPEARANCE of a close relationship or support, without having to actually back any of that up. We know crazy details about everyone - but never have to actually interact with them.

I also have to wonder - now - at the beginning, they feel like putting this on Facebook. But what happens after a surgery doesn't go well? Or chemo makes you feel like death? Or your hair falls out? Or you just get tired and you don't want to talk about it? Now - everyone knows. And not just the people who care about you and are close to you and who you are fine with them seeing you at your worst. Nope - its everyone. So you have to worry about how you come off - when you should just be trying to heal. Then if you decide to take a step back - people are angry because they feel like they DESERVE to know what is going on with you. Because you put all that info out there.

I wish dignity and privacy were still protected. People are so quick to give it all up - and it is next to impossible to get back.

So, if you are my Facebook friend - and I get sick - and you don't find out about it. Trust me - its not about you. I won't be thinking about you at all.

Hope you understand.