Sunday, December 16, 2012

Why give them what they want?

We have all heard all about the shooting in Connecticut.

It is horrible and disgusting.

But we all know that. We have all heard for 3 days now about the evil that had taken place. We have heard in detail about the shooter, the victims, the weapons, and a whole lot of speculation. We have heard all sorts of debates about school safety, gun control, mental illness and even prayer in school. I am not going to talk about any of that - because if I have to hear any more about any of it I will scream.

We keep wondering why these kinds of things happen.  I think that reason is simple. There is a crazy, evil person who wants others to hurt like he hurts - and so he decides to go after those who are innocent. He does it because after all is said and done - he will be gone and the whole world will know his name.

Think about it. All of the big shootings in my lifetime - Columbine, Virginia Tech, Gabby Giffords, Aurora CO, and now Sandy Hook Elementary - I could tell you the names of the murderer. I know their basic stories, who they were, where they were raised - and what they did that day. You know what I couldn't tell you? A single name of a victim. Not one. I have no idea who the poor people were who were gunned down. I don't know who and what they left behind.

This is what the killers want. They want the world to know them. They are going to die anyway - so they may as well go out with a bang.

I think we could take away a lot of the incentive for these types of crimes if the media vowed to never mention the killers. I will not type a single one of their names here. I won't wonder why they did what they did. I don't care. I don't want to know.

The coverage from Connecticut has been pretty much non-stop since Friday morning. We have been hearing more and more about this murderer. Neighbors, friends and family have been interviewed. His mental illness is being debated. His picture is being splashed all over - and some equally sick fucks are setting up fake social media accounts and pretending to be the killer.

This is because the media -and really our society as a whole - glorifies these sick people. Now, some equally disturbed person is watching and thinking "I could do this. Then everyone would know my story. Then they would have to listen."

If we didn't give the killer that attention - the incentive is gone. They may as well blow out their brains in their car on some dirt road - makes no to difference to the world. Their miserable little lives would end with all the dignity they deserve - none.

I think, as a society - we need to really step back and check ourselves here. We need to look at the message that we are sending out to those who have this kind of hate in their heart. We need to start asking questions about the victims, and change the channel when the killer is mentioned. The press needs to never show his picture or speak his name.Stop sensationalizing this kind of violence. Then all the glory is gone. I understand the drive to rationalize something like this - but that is impossible. This is not a rational person or a rational act - so that is a fruitless action. Our energy should be spent rallying around those who were harmed and lost loved ones. The disgusting piece of waste who caused all of this hurt should be given all the thought that he gave the rest of us - and that is absolutely fucking zero.

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