Wednesday, December 12, 2012

I'm a lame-o mom...


Pants and I hit up our public library on Wednesdays. We have a baby story-time that we go to, do rhymes, stories, puppets and play with other babies.

We have lots of fun. Its nice to interact with other women who are in a similar situation, and its SO CUTE watching Pants run and play with the other kids. All the babies are under two, so its freaking adorable.

That said - I was saying to another mom how it is nice to get out of the house and have others to play with. She immediately launched into all the things that her and her son do - parents as teachers, MOPS, a get-together group, and on and on and on. She offers to hook me up with all these groups, which is nice - but...

That sounds like a lot of work. That sounds like something just about every day. Most of this stuff isn't free - and one of the things is someone coming to our house, doing fluoride treatments on his teeth - and checking his milestones.  Ummmm isn't that what my pediatrician does? And isn't there fluoride in the water? I guess I'm not understanding the reason to have duplicates here...and pay for it. When I already pay for it once.

I guess I looked skeptical - because it was immediately "Oh - no - its wonderful! They give you these wonderful exercises and learning activities that you can do! They make it so you have lots of ideas for activities!"

OK - maybe this is me being a dense - but why is playing with my son not enough of an activity? We read books, play with toys, puzzles, dance, sing, talk about whatever I am doing, point out colors, shapes, count - and just be silly all day. Am I nuts? Am I stupid and too easily entertained? I think my baby is a freaking genius, and my doctor is thrilled with him, so I don't think I am messing up too much. We have plenty to do with errands and things.

I would like to do a few activities a month - I want him to meet other kids and be outgoing and have friends - but I get SO tired of the sancti-mommies. I can't handle the constant competition. I can't take having to have something schedules that is educational and meaningful every second of every day. I want time just be BE with my baby. That's it...watching him figure out a toy, watching him whisper when he thinks he is being sneaky. Just being together. Plus - when he gets a little older - I hate to think that we have raised our kids to that every moment of every day has a plan or they don't know what to do with themselves.

I do what to make memories - but when I do a special project or something, I want it to be just that - SPECIAL! I don't want every day to have to out-do the day before.  What freaking pressure.

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