Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Blogging failure!

Wow - I suck as a blogger.

I keep two blogs. This one - and a private one that I keep mushy family memories that I don't really want everyone to have access too. Plus when I read other blogs about moms gushing over their little darling it makes me cranky - because really - no one cares but them. So I refuse to be one of those people.

I update that one more than this one. Whoops.

And every time I log on - blogger dashboard has this thing at the top about the stats page - and that blog has tons of views. Neither of mine have any views in the last month. Makes me feel bad. And seeing how the other one is private - maybe I should actually write down some of my snarky thoughts and THEN I'll be allowed to whine when no one reads me.

To bring you back up to speed.

Still broke.

Still not pregnant. Still not trying not to be pregnant.

We now have to give Pants a dime every time we cuss. Well - we keep track and have to give him a dollar when we get to a buck. To my horror - I hit a dollar WAY before TJ. I was SURE he had the bigger potty mouth. But, I haven't been venting on here - so I guess it had to go somewhere.

That is my super exciting life. Whheeeee.

Oh - I met a kid with the name Omnlee. Or Ohmleigh. Either way - what in the actual fuck??

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