Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Sod House and Clay Ring

My little sister just graduated from college this week. YAY KATE!

We had a fantastic time at the party. She was sweet and happy and I am so proud that she had this incredible accomplishment.

In the interest of full disclosure though, Kate is a hippie. Seriously. She doesn't shave, she makes her own soaps and deodorants, she grows a lot of her own food, wears sweaters made from alpaca - you name it. She is a bona-fide hippie. The older she gets the more mellow she becomes, but its still a pretty funny.

So the gang that was at the party was...interesting. Lots of body odor. Not much hair on the women's heads- but lots on their legs. Dreadlocks everywhere. A few Mario brothers looking hats and mustaches - some festooned with feathers.

The kicker for me was a girl that my sister has been friends with since they were little. I am more than 5 years older than Kate - so I have lots of memories from when her friends and her were like 10. This girl was so sweet (which she still seems to be), so cute, and just a normal bubbly kid.

She now has a practically shaved head and tells me that she and her fiance want to head out to San Francisco (of course) and live in a sod house. Hmmm....I wasn't aware that the major metropolitan area would have a lot of untouched land to make a house out of dirt. Not only that - but can you afford the millions that land would go for? And what about building codes? I am a little confused.

But then - THEN - she busts out her engagement ring. Her fiance is a potter (of course) and he made her ring. Which is a lovely idea...but its made of hemp rope, clay, and an arrowhead. Quite the sign of everlasting love - you know? Just don't get it wet!!! Its like the gremlin of engagment rings.

AND THEN - she drops the bomb that made my night. "Well - I work in a daycare - and I can't wear my ring to work because I am afraid that it would CUT A BABY."


Let that sink it.

Read it again.

You are welcome.

Awww, Kate. You never disappoint.  

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