Thursday, December 13, 2012

I'm a MEAN lame-o-mom

TJ is the only person in my life who knows that I write this blog.

I wasn't sure that I wanted anyone to know, but as the only time I really have to sit and write uninterrupted is when Pants is sleeping, he figured it out. He is too smart.

Anyway, he has it set up to get a little email when I post - and he read yesterday's post. The woman that I referenced in the post is someone who is nice, and who I know on a very limited basis outside of the library.

I was apparently "mean" about her yesterday.

Ummm....yeah? I mean - I don't use a person's real name, I didn't name the town we live in and the name of the library or the program that would give anything away. And one more thing....NO ONE READS MY BLOG!!!

So maybe I was mean. I don't think I was. I think I was venting about the pressure that a mom faces from other moms when we should be getting support - and I was using a real life anecdote to illustrate my point.

Even if I was Isn't that the point of a personal blog on the internet? I get to work the crankies out so that I am still a pleasant person in real life. Hopefully.

TJ - watch your back. I may be mean to you next. Mwua hahahahaha.

(Love you)

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