Thursday, August 9, 2012

TJ Doesn't Even Know He is Still In Trouble

TJ and I had a stupid tiff one morning about a week or so ago. He probably doesn't even realize that I still think about it every time his alarm goes off at 5:20 - but I do.

I'm a woman. I hold grudges.  It's annoying and I can't help it.

TJ's work begins at 6 a.m. He sets his alarm for a little before 5 and hits snooze until 5:20 EVERY MORNING! One morning, when his alarm started going off, Pants started fussing. I asked TJ if he could give the baby a bottle really quick - since it was 5:04.  I got a lot of huffing and "That will make me late. I just can't do it. Wah, wah, wah." By this time Pants was full on wah, wah, wahing so I just got up and huffed my way out and took care of the baby.

Six minutes. It took me six fucking minutes.

When I returned to our room - TJ was in the shower. Hmmmm. Normally, he is still in bed. I know that he heard me get done with the baby and hopped in the shower just so that he didn't have to listen to me say "See, you totally could have helped." I crawl back in bed, and check the time. I close my eyes and listen to him shower.

How do I know he got in the shower just to prove me wrong? His alarm goes off a full 10 minutes after I get back in bed. When I have to crawl back out of bed to shut it off - cause he was in the shower. For 20 minutes.

Then on the way out the door - at 5:48 - he says "See, it would have been 5:58 now."

It took everything in me not to say something. So I stayed quiet. Which he interpreted correctly. He said I was mad about something stupid, went to work, and we haven't talked about it again.

I know its nothing. He is a wonderful dad, he helps with Pants TONS. I just rubbed me the wrong way that he wouldn't give me 6 minutes out of his morning. He would rather get up early and shower to prove me wrong, than help me out.  Jerkface.

I would have been awake anyway listening to him feed the baby, and since I was already awake, I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep until he was gone. So it really didn't change much for me. Other than ticked me off.

I have now taken it out of my head - and onto the interwebz. Now I don't have to be all grudgy about it.

See? This blog is helping my marriage already. Boo-yah.

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