Friday, August 24, 2012

Sandhiller Motel

We are at a wedding this weekend for one of TJ's very old friends. We are in Wray, Colorado - which is this teeny town up in the corner kinda by Nebraska. TJ is a groomsman in this wedding - and the host very graciously put us up in the only motel in town - The Sandhiller.

Can we say - not impressed?

Pants has a yeast infection on his poor little booty. Our pediatrician said to keep it open to air as much as possible. At home I just build him nests of towels in his pack and play and let him nakey-baby it up. The rash was really starting to get under control.

Well, since we are traveling this weekend, he spent most of his day in a car seat. So we stripped him down when we got to the motel, and let him play on the floor. He peed on the floor, so I got a washcloth to wipe it up. The cloth came up - BROWN. Not tinted, like dark, nasty, brown. Ew. I know that its a motel, and they don't shampoo their carpet every day - but come on! Once every six months? The 20 years of filth is just nasty. So now Pants is made to stay on the bed, where there is nothing to pull up on and he can't be nakey in  case he pees, so we all lose.

Then - TJ is hanging out with the wedding party tonight, so I asked him to run down to the vending machine to grab me a soda before he left. He gave me a list of options. I sent him with a dollar. The change machine was broken. Fine. We raided the coin purse, which usually goes in Pant's piggy bank.  He hit every single button and the only one that would work was the root beer. Fine. I like root beer.

And then I am sitting, watching Law and Order, listening to Pants sleep, having a relaxing time, and I hear a key in the door. I'm thinking - "Wow, that's quick. He hasn't even been gone a whole hour." Oh, no. Its a stranger. Walked in said "Oh, Excuse me!" and left.


Ok Sandhiller. You need to get your shit together. Clean. Stock the soda machine. And for Pete's sake - QUIT WALKING INTO RANDOM PEOPLES ROOMS! Yeesh.

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